The Ultimate Radio Frequency Skincare Device For Skin Tightening

Christine Byer
7 min readFeb 27, 2024


Today, I’m thrilled to dive into the world of skincare tech and share with you a game-changer: the radio frequency (RF) device from the German company, Methode Brigitte Kettner (MBK). Get ready to discover why this device has become my 81-year old mom’s all-time favorite (and soon to be yours too!).

First off, What is Radio Frequency?

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

Radio Frequency or RF is a high-frequency electromagnetic wave that inputs electromagnetic energy into the dermal layers of the skin, stimulating the dermis, heating the collagen to 45~60 ℃, activating collagen shrinkage, and regenerating the thickness and density of the skin. Studies have found that maintaining a temperature over 115°F (46°C) for over 3 minutes causes your body to release heat-shock proteins. These proteins stimulate your body to create new collagen fibers. RF has been shown to tighten and lift loose skin, smoothing wrinkles and making skin more hydrated. In the medical field, this modality is called Thermage, among others. Simply put, it’s thermal energy!

Since RF energy produces an electrical current instead of a light source, tissue damage can be minimized, and epidermal melanin is not damaged either. With this knowledge, RF energies can be used for clients of all skin types — that is, it is color blind, allowing for ultimate collagen contraction and production of new collagen. In addition to stimulating new collagen, the radiofrequency treatment also causes some contraction of the skin, thus tightening it. Although you will notice the treatment’s tightening effects immediately, the more significant improvement will occur gradually over a period of several weeks or months as the new collagen forms.

What Sets This Device Apart?

MBK Radio Frequency Skincare Device

Let’s kick things off by unpacking what makes this radio frequency device stand out from the crowd. Unlike traditional RF devices, MBK utilizes a unique combination of red and infrared LED technology to enhance RF penetration. Picture this: a gentle, warm sensation that not only feels pleasant but also drives the RF current deeper into your skin for maximum effectiveness. Plus, here’s the kicker — it’s suitable for all skin tones!

Formerly Pro-Only, Now Proven for Home Use

One of the most exciting aspects of this Radio Frequency is its transition from a professional-only device to one you can enjoy in the comfort of your own home. This transformation speaks volumes about its efficacy and safety. By completing the RF circuit through skin contact and the conductive bar simultaneously, the Radio Frequency ensures a deeper penetration that yields remarkable results over time. And don’t worry — that slight warmth you feel? It’s just a sign that the magic is happening!

Plump, Lift, and Resurface: Your Skin’s New BFF

What’s not to love about a device that promises to plump, lift, and resurface your skin? Through a series of treatments, you’ll notice a tightening effect thanks to the EMS technology integrated into the device. And let’s not forget about the resurfacing power of RF, which works its magic on fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores. The best part? It’s fast, easy to use, and delivers results that speak for themselves.

The Science Behind the Glow

How does it work its magic to deliver that coveted youthful glow? Let’s uncover the science behind its remarkable plumping and lifting effects.

1. Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Technology: At the heart of the MBK device lies EMS technology, a powerful tool in the fight against sagging skin. EMS works by delivering gentle electrical impulses to the muscles beneath the skin’s surface, causing them to contract and tighten. This muscular stimulation creates a lifting effect, helping to sculpt and define facial contours for a more youthful appearance. With regular use, you’ll notice a visible improvement in skin firmness and elasticity, as if your skin has been given a rejuvenating workout.

2. Collagen Remodeling: Another key player in the plumping and lifting game is collagen, the structural protein responsible for maintaining skin firmness and resilience. Radio frequency (RF) technology, integrated into the MBK device, stimulates the production of new collagen fibers within the skin’s dermal layer. As the skin undergoes this collagen remodeling process, it becomes firmer, smoother, and more lifted over time. Say goodbye to sagging cheeks and hello to a beautifully sculpted jawline with each session.

3. Enhanced Circulation and Oxygenation: Improved blood circulation is yet

another mechanism by which the MBK device promotes plumping and lifting. The infrared light emitted by the device penetrates deep into the skin, stimulating blood flow and oxygenation. This influx of oxygen-rich blood nourishes the skin cells from within, enhancing their vitality and promoting optimal function. As a result, your skin appears more radiant, hydrated, and revitalized, with a noticeable improvement in texture and tone.

4. Cellular Regeneration: Last but not least, the MBK device promotes cellular regeneration, a crucial process in maintaining youthful-looking skin. By activating the skin’s natural healing mechanisms, it accelerates the turnover of old, damaged cells, allowing newer, healthier cells to take their place. This continuous renewal process contributes to a smoother, more even complexion, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

5. The Power of Heat: The gentle warmth produced by this device during treatment also plays a vital role in its plumping and lifting effects. This soothing heat helps to relax facial muscles, making it easier to target areas of tension and tightness. Additionally, the warmth encourages vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels, which further enhances blood flow and nutrient delivery to the skin.

FAQ: Addressing Your Questions

Q: Does this device melt facial fat?

A: Absolutely not! This device is meticulously designed to deliver safe and effective results when used properly. Unlike some concerns about fat loss, this device focuses on enhancing skin texture, lifting, and plumping without any risk to facial fat. Watch this quick video as I explain more.

Q: Can I use the MBK radio frequency device if I have sensitive skin?

A: While the RF is generally suitable for most skin types, including sensitive skin, it’s essential to approach any new skincare device with caution. I recommend performing a patch test before full application to ensure compatibility with your skin. Additionally, individuals with highly sensitive skin may want to consult with a dermatologist before incorporating the RF into their skincare routine.

Q: How often should I use the Radio frequency device to see results?

A: For optimal results, we recommend using the MBK device once a week as part of a regular skincare routine. A full cycle typically consists of a 10-minute session. Consistency is key to seeing improvements in skin texture, firmness, and overall radiance. However, individual results may vary, so be patient and stick to your treatment plan for best results. Watch my “how- to” video to get a step-by- step guide to using the Radio Frequency device.

Q: How does MBK Radio Frequency Skin Care Device compare to other skincare devices like the Omnilux mask?

Christine Byer wearing the Omnilux Red Light Therapy Mask

A: The MBK device utilizes a unique circuit alongside radio frequency and infrared technologies, leading to skin resurfacing and improved texture over time. Unlike the Omnilux mask, which focuses on adding energy to the skin without ablative effects, the MBK device promotes micro-injuries that stimulate the skin’s repair process, resulting in long-term benefits.

Q: I’m post-menopausal and looking to invest in one skincare device. Is the MBK Radio Frequency Skin Care Device suitable for me?

A: Absolutely! The MBK device is perfect for those looking for a quick and effective skincare solution. Whether you want to focus on skin resurfacing, plumping, or texturizing, this device offers a tailored approach to meet your specific needs in just 10 minutes per session, twice a week.


This innovative beauty device offers a powerful combination of technology and ease of use, making it a standout choice for anyone looking to rejuvenate their skin. With its ability to plump, lift, and resurface your skin over time, it’s no wonder that this device has earned a special place in the hearts of many, including being your mom’s all-time favorite.

If you’re looking for more guidance on how to incorporate devices like the Radio Frequency into your routine, I’m here to help!

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Originally posted on on February 27th, 2024.



Christine Byer

Licensed Master Esthetician demonstrating what a REAL beauty expert knows and sharing PRO anti-aging skincare tips.